What are the protocols against COVID-19?

SouthStar Travel as a formal and responsible Travel Agency and Tour Operator, implements preventive biosecurity measures against COVID-19, for the safe development of the activities and tourist services we offer. In this way, we also supervise compliance with the guidelines and recommendations provided by the Peruvian authorities, in order to protect the members of the SouthStar Travel team and of course our customers.

Protective equipment

  • Tourists must have their own protective equipment such as: surgical masks, face shields or goggles. The use of these items is mandatory.


  • Luggage and other belongings must be handled only by the passenger, with some exceptions in case help is needed to move the luggage to the transportation units or accommodations.

Social Distancing

  • At all times, the tourist must respect the social distance, before, during and after the service with TOUR IN PERU, respecting the 2 meters of distance from other people.

Measures for Guides, Porters and Cooks

Protective Equipment

  • The company will provide the necessary protective equipment such as surgical masks, cloth masks and a personal alcohol dispenser.
  • Our guides, cooks and porters must respect the necessary safety distance to avoid possible friction and/or contagion if this should occur, respecting the 2 meters of distance from other people.

Hand Washing

  • At all times, the tourist must respect the social distance, before, during and after the service with TOUR IN PERU.

Safe Communication

  • The tour guide should use a megaphone to communicate with tourists, in order to communicate effectively and safely.