Terms and Conditions


SouthStar Travels Peru customer services ratify the use of this site, according to the following Terms and Conditions: Please read them very carefully before using the site. If you do not agree with any of the sections of the content, please send an email to customer service sales@southstartravels.com before using this website.

SouthStar Travels Peru does not guarantee that its applications will go along uninterrupted and without any mistakes, that the errors will be fixed or that the site or the server will be free of any viruses or any other dangerous components. Under no circumstances can this travel agency be blamed for any direct or indirect damage, or consequential damages, including, but not limited to: loss of earnings, replacement cost of products, inability to use the content, mistakes made in access by the click of the mouse, including if this travel agency is warned of the possibility of the said damages. If the local laws don’t allow the exclusion of responsibilities, the listed exclusions, do not apply in this case:

This site is offered to you as a customer for its acceptance without negotiation of the terms, conditions, and clauses contained in it. The relation of this travel agency site and you will be one of independent contract holder and none of the parts (including owners, agents, and employees) can be considered or constituted as partners, conjoined companies, trusts, employees, and/or common agents.

You will not be able to assign, advice, outsource, or delegate your rights, duties, and obligations listed here.


This internet site which belongs to the travel agency and which from now on will be referred to as “Operating Agent”, stands that they operate as an intermediate between users and entities or people in charge of promoting different kinds of service such as aerial or ground transportation, accommodation, feeding, or any other service that’s been hired through this travel agency’s website. In this sense, the travel agency undertakes to comply with the intermediate services previously mentioned, with the exceptions specified in these General Conditions and is not responsible for the non-compliance of the specific entities in the execution of their obligations, nor for unexpected events caused by strikes, weather conditions, delays, earthquakes, quarantines, as well as for the material, personal or moral damages that the passenger may suffer due to loss , damage or theft of luggage, or due to accidents, illnesses or deaths. If this will be the case, the user must make a claim directly to the companies that provided the unfulfilled service, in which the Travel Agency will collaborate with the user within their possibilities. The previos "General Conditions" are governed by the rules of the commercial civil order and other applicable laws.

This Website in its quality as a travel agency is subject to the liability regime, established by law 300/96 D.R. 1075/97 and other regulatory decrees.


Any mention of the Law in these regulations must be understood as referring to the General Tourism Law – Law No. 29408 and its regulations. When an article is mentioned without indicating the legal device to which it refers, it must be understood that it corresponds to this regulation.

This Travel Agency is subject to the liability regime established by Law No. 29408, General Tourism Law and the regulations that modify, add or reform them. The responsibility of the organizer of the tour plan or package is limited to the terms and conditions of the program in relation to the provision and quality of services. The agency does not assume any responsibility towards the user for the air transport service, except in the case of a chartered flight and in accordance with the conditions of the transport contract.

The reimbursement policies for services not provided due to situations of force majeure or fortuitous event, action or omission of third parties or the passenger, not attributable to the travel agency, before or during the trip, which may be subject to return, will be defined by each operator and they will be confirmed to the user once the travel documents are reserved and issued, as well as the percentages of penalties or deductions that may be applicable. The
Travel Agency is not jointly and severally liable for the amounts requested in reimbursement. Any reimbursements will be made within 30 calendar days following the request. However, if the process takes longer for reasons beyond the control of the Travel Agency, it will not recognize any interest on the amounts to be reimbursed. The percentage of reimbursement will depend on the conditions of the provider and the administration costs of the agency.

SouthStar Travels Peru does not assume responsibility towards the user or traveler for events such as accidents, strikes, riots, earthquakes, climatic or natural phenomena, security conditions, political factors, denial of entry permits or visas, traveler's legal issues, travel issues. health and any other case of force majeure or fortuitous event that may occur before or during the trip.

In case of force majeure or fortuitous event before or during the trip (accidents, strikes, riots, earthquakes, climatic factors, security conditions, political factors, denial of entry permits, health matters, among others), or simply in order to guarantee the success of the plan, the operator and / or the agency may modify, replace or cancel itineraries, dates, flights, hotels, optional services, which is now accepted by the passenger at the time of acquiring the services. In case a visa is required, the Travel Agency will provide advice on the case, being the sole autonomy of the consular authority, everything related to the procedure, the requested documents, the study, costs,

duration of the procedure and the approval or rejection. In case of visa refusal, there will be no refund of the sums paid by the applicant. In any case, the processing and compliance with the reported requirements will be the sole responsibility of the passenger. In the specific conditions of each plan, the payment method and term will be defined. The value and form of payment of deposits or advances, tickets, reservations of sporting and cultural events, fairs, exhibitions and similar, will be subject to the conditions of the organizer of such events, which will be reported at the time of purchase.

The passenger will be the one and only responsible for the custody of their luggage and travel documents. Southstar Travel Peru will inform the passenger of the restrictions established by the airlines as long as they are previously published by them, in terms of prohibitions, maximum weight and number of pieces per passenger, limitations or impediments to access due to maximum capacity. However, it will be the exclusive responsibility of the passenger to comply with these policies, which may vary according to the provision of the transport companies or the service provider. All additional information regarding validation, conditions, exit taxes from Peru and abroad, fees, charges and other mandatory payments, preventive health measures of the destination, assistance services should be consulted with a travel advisor or on the Travel Agency’s website at the time of booking, likewise they will be informed to the passenger in the travel documents, according to the characteristics that apply to each one. All prices, rates, taxes, fees or contributions, presented in this newsletter or quote are subject to change, availability and validity without prior notice, which must be assumed by the passenger at the time of issuance of the travel documents. Restrictions and conditions apply to each published rate according to its validity. The hotel rate depends on the chosen accommodation. The cancellation policies, penalties, restrictions and particular conditions of the package will be informed to the passenger at the time of issuance of the travel documents. The client declares that he knows and fully accepts these conditions, which constitute the sole, total and exclusive agreement of any pact or legal provision to the contrary, regarding the terms, conditions and restrictions of the contracted services.


The Travel Agency is the owner of this site and has the corresponding authorizations for the use of the images, graphics, icons, characters, music, texts, software, videos and other content on the site (hereinafter called "content"), as well as well as the HTML, CGI, WS encodings and other codes and texts in any format (hereinafter called "code") used to implement this site. No code or content may be modified, altered, copied, distributed, retransmitted, exposed, used, reproduced and / or published under any circumstances, with the exception of what is expressly authorized by these rules and in the instructions of each section of this site.

By accepting these conditions, the user who enters reviews, images, videos or comments on the Portal, agrees to assign to this Travel Agency the non-exclusive right, exempt from copyright, perpetual, irrevocable and totally transferable to third parties, to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative products, distribute and display such reviews, images, videos or comments throughout the world and in any media. It will also grant SouthStar Travels Peru and sub-licensees the right to use the name that accompanies said review or comment, if any, in relation to said review or comment. Any modification or use of the content or code of this site for purposes other than those permitted constitute a violation of

copyright laws and other intellectual property rights, as well as the criminal regulations according to the particular situation. Users and in general, those who intend to establish a link between any website and any of the website pages must respect the corporate image and logo of this Website. No links can be established from the website to websites where the logo or any element that identifies this Travel Agency as the owner of the website does not appear, all of the above with the prior and written authorization of use by this Travel Agency.

This site has been designed exclusively for your personal use. It is prohibited to commercialize the content, products, information, software and services obtained from this site. The contents of this website are registered under Copyright laws, it is a registered trademark of Southstar Travels Peru.


All computer programs available to be downloaded from this site are copyrighted. Its use is governed by the terms of the end user license agreement, which accompanies or is included in the computer program. You cannot install or use any program that has a license agreement without first approving the terms of that agreement. For any computer program not accompanied by a license agreement, the owner of the same guarantees the user a personal and non- transferable license for its use, in accordance with the terms and conditions indicated in this document.


To access the Portal, the USER must have access to the Internet, pay the corresponding access and connection fees and have the equipment and computer systems necessary to connect to the Internet, including a terminal that is suitable for this purpose. (computer, telephone, etc.) and a modem or other access device.

For the correct access and use of certain contents and services of the Portal, it implies the download in your computer equipment of certain computer programs or other logical elements. This installation will be on the USER’s charge, declining this Travel Agency of any type of responsibility that may arise from it. The user is always informed on the home page of the characteristics it must have, in order to be able to see and use the website correctly.


The information, software, products and services published on this website may contain inaccuracies or errors, including rates and/or prices, errors in particular. This Travel Agency does not guarantee the accuracy of it and declines all responsibility for errors in the information and description of content and/or services found on the website, which in some cases are provided by the responsible of these services. In addition, this Travel Agency expressly reserves the right to correct any price on the website, reservations made under an incorrect price. In this case, if it is available, it will offer you the opportunity to keep your reservation at the correct price or cancel the reservation, without penalty, as long as it complies with the above characteristics.


Additional terms and conditions may apply to reservations, purchase of goods and services and other sections of this site, depending on the specific service provider and you as a user agree to accept such clauses.


The simple fact of registering to participate in any trip of these general conditions implies that nothing should be understood or imagined as included if it is not described in the programs.


This site can only be used to make authentic reservations or purchases and cannot be used for other purposes than those described here. No speculative, false or fraudulent reservations will be made. As a user, you assume that you are of legal age to use the site and to accept the legal and economic obligations that this entails. You accept that you are aware of all the responsibilities arising from the use of the Southstar Travels Peru website, whether caused by you or by third parties operating under your password. The information, programming codes, products and other services published on this portal may contain typographical errors and inaccuracies. This Travel Agency and collaborators will periodically make changes to update the information. As a condition for the use of this site, you guarantee that you will not carry out any illegal or prohibited activity in the terms, conditions and requirements mentioned above.

• Through this source you can make a reservation and it must be guaranteed and paid by credit card.
• The credit card supplied by the user will be verified directly by an online payment system; in case of finding any inconsistency in it, the reservation can be canceled.
• The total value of the accommodation will be settled and charged to the credit card at the time of closing the reservation.
• Additional services, taxes and hotel insurance will be settled and must be paid directly at the hotel when you check out.
• Please verify the accommodation and services included in the rate before closing the reservation.
• After closing the reservation, a confirmation voucher will be sent to you by e-mail.
• Do not forget to check the cancellation policies and conditions of the rate of the hotel you are reserving.

• All foreigners are exempt from taxes in Peru and will only have to pay hotel insurance directly at their hotel. Peruvian passengers must pay the hotel insurance and rates directly at their hotel. This validation will be done directly at the hotel.
• We allow ourselves to inform you that online payment is enabled for this product.
• In the case that due to cancellation policies, the reservation allows a refund due to change of date, early cancellation, etc. Southstar Travels Peru will try to carry out the corresponding procedure with the hotel or service provider in order for it to study the possibility of making a partial or total refund to the passenger in the shortest possible time, all within the policies that said provider manages. In any case, Southstar Travels Peru does not guarantee reimbursement.
• If you require additional information, please consult one of our advisers.


Exchange rates are based on various public sources and should be used as a guide only. Rates are not exact, and actual rates may vary. Currency quotes are not updated every day. Check the date in the currency converter function for the day the currency was last updated. The information provided by this application is considered accurate, for this Travel Agency. Depending on the type of service, the rate used may be different from those established. Suppliers do not warrant or guarantee such accuracy. When using this information for any financial purpose, we advise you to consult a qualified professional to verify the accuracy of exchange rates. We do not authorize the use of this information for any purpose other than your personal use and you are expressly prohibited from reselling, redistributing and using the information for commercial purposes.


It is recommended that the traveler verifies the warnings that the place chosen for the trip has.

For the sale of trips, this Travel Agency does not represent or guarantee that traveling to these points is recommended or without risk and is not responsible for damages or losses that may result from traveling to these places.

DOCUMENTATION: All passengers must carry the necessary personal documentation. The Operator declines all responsibility for the information, withdrawal and rejection of the visas. The documents that were delivered by the Operator are the responsibility of the user.
BAGGAGE: In land transportation, the Operator expressly denies all responsibility in case of loss, damage or theft due to any circumstance. We recommend that passengers witness the handling, loading and unloading of luggage. In air transport, the IATA (International Air Transport Association) regulation will be applied.
Clarifications: 1. The porter service, when it is included in the program, is provided at the airports and other boarding places. The hotels have their own staff for this purpose. 2. Tips represent appreciation for the efficiency of a service received, and as such, they are always voluntary. The presentation for boarding at the Airports must obey the margin established by the Airline Companies.

CANCELLATIONS: At any time, the user may cancel the requested and contracted services and will be entitled to a refund of the deposit as long as the contracted program does not have conditions that indicate otherwise, less the expenses incurred. In the event of cancellation of air tickets, the regulations of the airlines and competent bodies (IATA) will be observed. In the case of operations on chartered flights, the cancellation clauses are those that apply to the program.

CLAIMS: They must be made in writing in the agency's CLAIM BOOK.

CONCORDANCE: By requesting enrollment in any travel program marketed by this Travel Agency, the client and / or passenger declares that they know and approve all the terms of these "General
Conditions", which are available to be printed, as well as the special conditions described in the travel program or in the specific travel project.


Dear Consumer: According to the provisions dictated by Law No. 29571, you have the right to receive complete, truthful and timely information about the products or services offered by Southstar Travels Peru. If you require additional information about the tourist service providers that advertise on Southstar Travels Peru, you should contact an advisor. Part of the Portal may host advertising content or be sponsored. Advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion in the Portal complies with the laws that may be applicable in each case. This Travel Agency will not be responsible for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that the advertising or sponsor content may contain.


Use of bulletin boards, chat rooms and other communication forums. If the site contains bulletin boards, chat rooms and other means or message boards. You, as a user of the same, agree to send and receive only messages and material that are appropriate and related to it.

Some examples of misuse of the forum would be: Defame, insult, abuse, harass, threaten and violate the legal rights (such as the right of privacy and publicity) of third parties.

Publish, distribute, advertise or disseminate any type of defamatory, discriminatory, obscene, indecent or illegal information or material. Upload files that contain software or other material protected by intellectual property (or copyright) laws unless such authorship and rights are owned or all appropriate permissions for use have been received. Upload files that contain viruses, are corrupted or contain any type of programs or code that may harm the operations of third party computers.

Remove any author attributions, legal notices, proprietary designations and/or trademarks in any system files.
Falsify the origin of the font, computer program, or any material contained in the uploaded file. Advertise or offer to sell goods and/or services, conduct surveys, contests or send chain letters. Upload files that contain viruses, are corrupted or contain any type of programs or code that may harm the operations of third party computers. Remove any author attributions, legal notices, proprietary designations and/or trademarks in any system files. Falsify the origin of the font, computer program, or any material contained in the uploaded file. Advertise or offer to sell goods and/or services, conduct surveys, contests or send chain letters.

Downloading any file uploaded by any other user to a forum knowing that it should not be legally distributed in such a manner. As a user you agree that the forums are for public and not private communications. Likewise, you accept that the talks, conferences, bulletins and other communications between other users are not endorsed by this Travel Agency, or its affiliates, and that such communications will not be considered for review, virus control and / or approved by this Travel Agency. Travel Agency or its affiliates. This Travel Agency reserves the right to remove any content from a forum without prior notice, as well as the full right to deny, at its discretion, access to any portal user or any part thereof without prior notice.


All information you provide on our site at the time of registration is transmitted via SSL (Security Socket Layer). This proven code system allows your team to encrypt information before it is sent to our system.
The encrypted information reaches our servers with all security patches up to date and unused ports closed and protected by firewalls, to finally take its original form and is stored in our database.

Security risks that you must take into account when making transactions on the Internet:

• It may occur that a user is tricked through emails or some deception of DNS servers, to visit a fake site that has the same design, but where the card data is loaded into the fake system, stealing information from the card. cardholder. Therefore, it is important to generate the culture that users to carry out transactions must enter directly through known domains to reduce risks.
• It may be that the computer where the user is carrying out the transaction has installed, without the user's prior knowledge, some spyware or malicious software that captures everything typed on the keyboard or captures information from input devices and is sent to a network or host on the internet. Therefore, it is recommended as much as possible that the transaction be carried out on the home or office computer.
• The user could be impersonated or the user denies having sent and/or received the transaction and it is used by a third party.


This Travel Agency reserves the right to use the so-called "cookies", in any type of use of the Portal. Cookies are small data files that are generated on the user's computer and that allow us to know the following information:

• The date and time of the last time the user´s visited our website.
• The content design that the user chose on their first visit to our website.
• Security elements involved in controlling access to restricted areas.
• However, Users are informed of the possibility of discarding such use in their computer terminal. Through these "cookies" the rest of the users, once you are registered, can see if you are connected or not and in this way contact you with greater fluidity and speed.


In accordance with Law 2851 issued by the Congress of the Republic, with which provisions are issued to prevent and counteract exploitation, pornography and sexual tourism with minors. In accordance with the provisions of said Law, all persons must prevent, block, combat and report the exploitation, hosting, use, publication, dissemination of images, texts, documents, audiovisual files, improper use of global information networks, or the establishment of telematic links of any kind related to pornographic material or allusive to sexual activities of minors.


Your privacy and trust are very important to us. For this reason, we want to make sure that you know how we safeguard the integrity, confidentiality and availability of your personal data, in accordance with Peruvian legislation. This document contemplates our personal data protection and treatment policy, which is intended to inform which data is captured in the provision of our services and products and for what purposes, when we share it, how we use and protect it, as well as the rights that assist the holders of personal data and how to exercise them.

The information and/or personal data that we collect from you, who is our client, are the following:

Kind of person:
Natural: names and surnames, type of identification, identification number, gender, marital status and date of birth. Legal: company name, address, telephone, cell phone, email, country, city.
Information necessary to facilitate the trip or other services, including preferences such as travel class, passenger names and surnames (type of document, document number, date of birth, name, surname, gender, email, nationality, passport expiration date), contacts in case of an accident or any other anomaly (names and surnames, telephone).
Cardholder data: Type of document, document number, telephone, address, email, names, card number, expiration date and bank. Quotation request: Names, surnames, telephone numbers, city and email.
Travel information: Request type, destination, departure date, duration, number of adults, number of children, hotel category, food, additional services, transportation service, budget per person. Contact Milagros Luna and/or Paul Hinojosa: Names, surnames, identity card, address, telephone (landline or cell), city and email.
Chat “online help”: Name, email, what is your question? Evaluate our site: Your opinion is very important for us to continuously improve our service channels: names, surnames, email, telephone numbers and city. Claim request: Names, surnames, identification number, address, telephone numbers, city, email and comments.

Report of technical problems: Names, surnames, address, telephone numbers, city, email and comments. Biometric data: Images, video, audio, fingerprints that identify or make identifiable our customers, users or any person who enters or is or travels in any place that Southstar has implemented devices to capture said information.

These data can be stored and/or processed on servers located in data processing centers, whether owned or contracted with providers, located in different countries, which is authorized by our clients/users, by accepting this treatment and protection policy. of personal data.

Southstar Travels Peru reserves the right to improve, update, modify, delete any type of information, content, domain or subdomain that may appear on the website, without prior notice, understanding that publication on the websites is sufficient. Southstar Travels website. For the solution of legal or internal requests and for the provision or offer of new services or products. “SOUTHSTAR TRAVELS”: informs customers of its different services and/or products (hereinafter, the “USERS”) about its personal data protection policy (hereinafter, “Personal Data”):

I. The Personal Data that you will provide us will be collected and its manual or automated treatment is due to the following purposes:

a. The support of the contractual relationship, where appropriate, established with "SOUTHSTAR TRAVELS".
b. The provision of services related to the products and services offered. In which the "USER" decides to subscribe, register, or use.
c. The performance of all activities related to the service or product will be included in an email list for sending the newsletter.
d. Communicate about changes in them. and. Processing of your requests, administration of activities, clarifications, research and market statistics.
F. Marketing and sale of our products and services.
g. Notify you about new services or products that are related to those already contracted or acquired.
h. Carrying out any complementary or auxiliary activity necessary for the provision of services.
i. Prepare studies and programs that are necessary to determine consumption habits.
J. For the refinement of security filters and business rules in commercial transactions; confirm, process such transactions, with your financial institution, with our service providers and with yourself.
k. Carry out periodic evaluations of our products and services in order to improve their quality.
l. Evaluate the quality of the service we provide, and in general, to comply with the obligations we have contracted with you.
m. The sending, by traditional and electronic means, of technical, operational and commercial information about products and services offered by "SOUTHSTSTAR TRAVELS", its associates or suppliers, currently and in the future.
n. The request for satisfaction surveys, which the "USER" is not obliged to answer.
o. Carry out the transfer of data to other companies or commercial alliances in order to fulfill our corporate purpose.

II. Only those referring to natural persons are considered personal data. All kinds of legal entities are excluded from them.

III. We start from the fact that the "USER" is legitimately authorized to supply, receive and forward "Personal Data". To avoid any defenselessness, "SOUTHSTAR TRAVELS" provides the "USER" with the possibility of answering the information sent on the same platform, free of charge without mediating a contractual relationship.
IV. If you provide us with personal information about a person other than yourself, such as your spouse or a co-worker, we understand that you have the authorization of said person to provide us with their data; and we do not verify, nor do we assume the obligation to verify the identity of the user / client, nor the veracity, validity, sufficient and authenticity of the data
of each of them, provide. By virtue of the foregoing, we do not assume responsibility for damages or prejudices of any nature that could originate in the lack of veracity, homonymy or the impersonation of identity information.
a.) However, if the "USER" wishes to carry out more procedures with SOUTHSTAR TRAVELS, he should register on the platform, accepting the conditions established for "USERS".
b.) In order to facilitate as much as possible the exercise of the rights related to your privacy or to defend what is in the best right, in case of being sensitive or reserved data and in the event that the response is not possible through ordinary channels, "SOUTHSTAR TRAVELS" will provide "USERS" with the appropriate technical resources and email so that they can contact it. For this action, they can send a communication identifying the sender and describing the problem.

V. Registered users may review and modify their personal information through: https://southstartravels.com
c.) The "USERS" have their rights recognized and may exercise them for access, cancellation, rectification and opposition, by contacting "SOUTHSTAR" via email sales@southstartravels.com, duly proving their identity digitally, with their account personal mail.

d.) Regarding the specific terms and conditions of use of Southstar, you can consult them at the following electronic address https://southstartravels.com.


If you have any questions or queries about the process of collecting, processing or transferring your personal information, or consider that the information contained in a database should be corrected, updated or deleted, please send us a message to the following account of e-mail: sales@southstartravels.com