Route Cachora to Choquequirao


Known as the Last Inca Refuge, it is situated in the Vilcabamba Valley, Provincia de la Convencion – Cusco, at 3300 m.a.s.l.

Choquequirao, a Quechua word, which means “Gold Craddle”, made up of terraces and buildings on different levels called “Sunch’u Pata” considered as an archaeological site of as much importance as Machupicchu. This has a ceremonial site of the Inca elite, dedicated to worship of the mountain, river, and natural element gods. This is also surrounded by majestic snowcaps such as the Salkantay, Padreyoc, Coriwayrachina, valleys with vegetation belonging to the “brow of the jungle”, the fauna is made up of condors, foxes, skunks, pumas, viscachas, bears, hummingbirds, and the cock-of-the-rock (the national bird).

As we go through the Andes we will go by different ecological grounds, where, in their valets, we will find tropical plants, a great variety of orchids, and, in the mountains, perpetual “Ichu”.

Route to Choquequirao by Cachora:

154 km from the Abancay road, is a detour to Cachora, a 4-5 hour trip. Here we will begin our hike to cross the Apurimca river, and we will get to Rosalina beach, where we will have dinner and spend the night in the tents.

The next day, we will continue our hike to Marampata, where we will have lunch, going by Santa Rosa, until we get to Choquequirao. Here we will visit the surrounding areas, after dinner and sleep, the next day, with any luck, we will see the flight of the condors and we will visit the most important and distant places.

As a last stop, on the last day, we will visit the Wartaqalli viewpoint, to then make our way back to Cusco.


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